The Lost Ones

Great Auk

An illustration of a Great Auk A painting depicting a Great Auk

The Great Auk (*Pinguinus impennis*), a flightless bird extinct since 1844, were present atrocky, island of North Atlantic Coasts and some of there have been even found in spain, flourida and italy.(The editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2024, para.1).

The auk's were around 75 cm long,, with wings arpound 15 cm long, with a black back and head, white front and a large white spot between the bill and eye.

then how did they went extinct? "Utterly defenseless, great auks were killed by rapacious hunters for food and bait, particularly during the early 1800s. Enormous numbers were captured, the birds often being driven up a plank and slaughtered on their way into the hold of a vessel. The last known specimens were killed in June 1844 at Eldey island , Iceland."(the editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, para. 3, 2024)

refernece - Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2024, October 17). Great Auk. In Encyclopaedia Britannica.